Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Most of the readers of our Grandmothers, Incorporated book series may not know it, but L. Barnett Evans and C.V. Rhodes aren't only authors of one of the funniest cozy mystery series around, but both of us are playwrights.  If you check our website out at www.grandmothersinc.com you will see that we've written two plays together.  The first one, Grandmothers, Incorporated, is a Two Act comedy based on the characters from our book of the same name, and it enjoyed a successful run Off Broadway.  The second play we co-wrote was Stakeout, a One Act Comedy.  It was one of the Top Ten Grossing plays in the 2014 Indy Fringe Play Festival.  

Evans and Rhodes not only write the book series and write plays together, but we also write plays and novels separately.  Last year, both of our individual plays, The Diary of Annie Mae Franklin and Take My Hand, were selected to be read at the prestigious National Black Theatre Festival in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 

During the month of April, L. Barnett Evans' One Act play, Take My Hand enjoyed a successful run at the Indy Fringe Onyx Festival. It was a hit!  Here is L. Barnett Evans below addressing an overflow audience!

So, the writing continues for both of us.  Look for the next Evans and Rhodes writing adventure.  Who knows what it will be!!