Sunday, February 1, 2015


Hello All,
Hope this year will be as good to you as the ladies of Grandmothers, Incorporated think it will be for us.  Actually, I'm really not a part of the foolishness that Bea, Hattie and Connie seem to conjure up, but I'm sure there'll be a lot of mess going on when that new book in their series comes out.
The name of the book is Whose Knife is it Anyway?  And I've heard that it's a doozy.  It's got murder, mystery, mayhem and of course lots of laughs.  I got a sneak peek and I'll share a bit of what I saw with you.
It seems that in this book my daughter-in-law, Hattie, comes up with this hare-brained idea to take a bunch of feuding church ladies out in the woods on a weekend retreat.  Can you imagine?  What is a bunch of city dwelling grandmas going to do stuck in the middle of nowhere but trash talk and gossip!  Well, of course I had to go along to see this fiasco, and that's when the fun begins.
Come back and visit us over the next few months, and the ladies and me might give you a taste of some of the things that's likely to happen.  Until then...

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