Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Hi folks, this is Miss Fanny and all I've got to say for my little stint on this blog is those Grandmothers, Incorporated writers are at it again!  Lord have mercy, it seems like those two women are always telling our business.  They've been working nonstop trying to get their next cozy mystery out.  It's called Whose Knife is it Anyway?  In that book they're going to tell the world what happened when Bea, Hattie, Connie and me went on a retreat in the woods with a bunch of feuding church ladies. It wasn't pretty, especially when we found a dead body--but, that's another story.  Let me get back to the latest fast one Evans and Rhodes are pulling.
It's not enough that they had us characters from the Grandmothers, Incorporated novels in a play Off Broadway titled like their first novel, Grandmothers, Incorporated, but the heifers turned around and put Hattie and me alone in another play they wrote titled Stake Out.  That one turned out to be one of the ten top grossing plays in the 10th Annual Indy Fringe Theatre Festival.
Now, they've got the nerve to come out with a new book that contains both plays!  The book is titled From the Page to the Stage: Two Plays for Women.  One play is a two act and the other one is a one act play, so they made sure that there's something for everybody, and they're selling From the Page to the Stage:  Two Plays for Women on Amazon.com and Smashwords.com.  None of the storylines in either play has anything to do with the storylines in the books they write about us.  It seems that every time the ladies and me find ourselves in a couple of brand new situations the next thing you know, Evans and Rhodes are in our business--again.  Obviously, they think our lives are funny, since both plays are comedies.
Is there no end to them exploiting us?  Where's the justice?  Don't we have a say in all this?  I guess as long as we keep having adventures, Bea, Hattie, Connie and me will be giving them something to write about.  What a life!

The link to purchase From the Page to the Stage:  Two Plays for Women is www.amazon.com/dp/B00W7IGI68